Benefits of Pomegranate Peel
Jul 01, 2023 By Nancy Miller

Pomegranates are increasingly becoming popular for their amazing health benefits. The pomegranate fruit contains antioxidants, vitamins, and minerals that nourish your body and skin from within, and its Peel also offers numerous advantages!

This blog post will debate the embryonic benefits of pomegranate peel and why it should be included in our diets.

Packed with beta-carotene, ellagic acid, tannins, and several other natural compounds like polyphenols and punicic acid, pomegranate rind can provide multiple healing effects that could improve your overall health. So, keep reading to learn more about the fabulous power of pomegranate peel!

What is a Pomegranate

The pomegranate is a fruit from the Punica granatum tree, native to the Mediterranean region. It is a round fruit, roughly the size of an apple, with thick, leathery skin, typically red or yellow. The inside of the fruit is filled with juicy arils, which are small, seed-filled sacs that range in color from translucent white to deep red.

Pomegranates have been sophisticated for thousands of years and are highly regarded for their unique taste and health benefits. The arils are the edible part of the fruit and have a sweet and tangy flavor. They can be consumed fresh, added to salads, used in juices and smoothies, or used as a garnish for various dishes.

Pomegranates are also known for their high nutritional value. They are a good source of vitamins C and K, dietary fiber, and several antioxidants, such as punicalagin and anthocyanins. These antioxidants are believed to have various health benefits, including reducing inflammation and protecting against certain diseases.

Benefits of Pomegranate Peel

Detoxify your body

Pomegranate peel is rich in polyphenols, powerful antioxidants that can help flush out toxins from the body. This detoxifying effect can improve digestion and reduce bloating.

Additionally, pomegranate rind may be beneficial for liver health as it has been found to reduce fat buildup in the liver, helping to prevent fatty liver disease.

Pomegranate peel contains antioxidants that can aid in defending cells against oxidative stress brought on by the unstable chemicals known as free radicals.

Regular dissipation of pomegranate peel can therefore benefit your overall health and well-being.

Acts as a natural moisturizer

Pomegranate peel contains punicic acid, an omega-5 fatty acid natural moisturizer. This fatty acid can help to keep the skin hydrated and protect it from damage caused by environmental stressors such as UV radiation and pollution.

Additionally, its antioxidant properties may stimulate collagen production, resulting in smoother and more elastic skin. Punicic acid can also help reduce inflammation, which may benefit those suffering from eczema and psoriasis.

Regular consumption of pomegranate peel in your diet can provide long-term skin benefits and keep you looking younger for longer!

Lower the risk of cancer

Pomegranate peel is also believed to have anti-cancer properties. Research has suggested that antioxidants in pomegranate rind, such as ellagic acid and punicalagin, could help inhibit the growth of certain cancer cells.

Studies have shown that the efficient consumption of pomegranate peel can reduce the risk of developing breast, prostate, and colorectal cancers. It may also lower the risk of other forms of cancer, such as lung and stomach cancer.

Additionally, its anti-inflammatory effects may help to reduce inflammation associated with some types of cancer. Therefore, adding pomegranate rind to your diet could help protect you from various types of cancer.

Fight acne, pimples, and rashes

Pomegranate peel also has the potential to help fight acne, pimples, and rashes. The antioxidants in the pomegranate rind can reduce inflammation associated with skin irritations such as acne and eczema.

Punicic acid also helps moisturize the skin while promoting collagen production, which may help minimize blemishes. Furthermore, studies have shown that polyphenols present in pomegranate rind have antimicrobial properties which can inhibit the growth of bacteria responsible for causing acne breakouts.

Regular dissipation of pomegranate peel can help keep your skin healthy and radiant! Therefore, adding pomegranate peel can eliminate acne and other skin irritations.

Improve brain function

Pomegranate peel can also help to improve brain function. Studies have shown that antioxidants in pomegranate rind can reduce inflammation in the brain, leading to improved memory and cognitive performance.

Additionally, they may help protect against neurological diseases such as Alzheimer's and Parkinson's. Furthermore, punicic acid benefits nerve health and can increase the production of neurotransmitters that aid learning and mental acuity.

Regular consumption of pomegranate peel could help boost your overall brain functioning and keep your mind sharp! In conclusion, adding some pomegranate Peel to your diet is a great way to get more out of life while enjoying its rich flavor and health benefits.

Boost bone health

Including pomegranate peel in your diet can also help boost bone health. The antioxidants in the rind act as a natural anti-inflammatory that can reduce inflammation associated with osteoporosis and other bone diseases. Punicic acid also helps strengthen the bones and protect them from damage.

Furthermore, studies have shown that pomegranate peel can increase calcium absorption, aiding in proper bone development and growth. Moreover, polyphenols present in the rind may prevent excessive calcium loss through urine, helping to keep your bones healthy and strong. Regular consumption of pomegranate peel helps improve your overall bone health!

Help treat rheumatoid arthritis

Pomegranate peel has anti-inflammatory properties that may help treat the symptoms of rheumatoid arthritis. Studies have shown that antioxidants in pomegranate rind, such as ellagic acid and punicalagin, could reduce inflammation associated with this condition.

Additionally, its high polyphenol content can help reduce joint pain and swelling. Furthermore, punicic acid in the Peel helps improve mobility by strengthening joints and muscles.

Therefore, regular consumption of pomegranate peel is believed to benefit those with rheumatoid arthritis or other forms of joint pain.

Improve dental hygiene

Regular dissipation of pomegranate peel can also help to improve dental hygiene. Studies have found that polyphenols in the Peel may reduce the risk of developing cavities and gum disease by acting as an antibacterial agent.

Furthermore, its anti-inflammatory properties could prevent inflammation in the gums, helping to keep them healthy. Additionally, punicic acid aids in saliva production, which helps protect teeth from decay and plaque buildup.

Regular intake of pomegranate peel can therefore help maintain overall dental health! Besides this, its high vitamin C content strengthens the bones around your teeth and increases immunity against oral diseases.

How To Use Pomegranate Peels

  • Separate the peels from the fruit: Begin by carefully removing the peels from the pomegranate fruit. Remove any attached fruit flesh and keep only the outer peels.
  • Dry the peels: Place the peels near a window with direct sunlight or in a well-ventilated area. Allow them to dry for 2 to 3 days or until completely dried. The sunlight helps remove any remaining moisture from the peels.
  • Grind the dried peels: Transfer them to a blender or food processor once completely dry. Grind them until you achieve a fine powder consistency. This grinding process helps break down the peels into smaller particles, making it easier to incorporate into various uses.
  • Store the powder: Transfer the powdered pomegranate peels into an airtight container. It's essential to store the powder at room temperature in a cool, dry place to maintain its quality and longevity. Ensure that the container is tightly sealed to prevent moisture from entering.


Is it safe to eat pomegranate peel?

Yes, it's safe to eat pomegranate peel. The antioxidants, vitamins, and minerals present in the Peel may help improve your overall health.

How can I add pomegranate peel to my diet?

You can add powdered pomegranate peel to various dishes and recipes. Mix it with smoothies, yogurt, oatmeal, or salad dressings for added nutrition. Alternatively, you can steep dried pomegranate peels in hot water for a few minutes to make a refreshing tea.

Are there any side effects of consuming pomegranate peel?

Consuming pomegranate peel in moderation is generally safe. However, it may interact with certain medications and cause gastrointestinal discomfort in some individuals.


Pomegranate peels are an exceptional, underrated powerhouse. The ancient Egyptians already knew about the immense benefits of this versatile fruit, and modern science is now advocating for it more than ever. Not only do its peels help detoxify your body and act as a natural moisturizer, but they also have the potential to lower your risk of cancer, fight acne, pimples, and rashes, improve brain function, boost bone health, treat rheumatoid arthritis and even improve dental hygiene.

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