For Those with Heart Disease, The Sky Is the Limit
Mar 21, 2023 By Madison Evans

Many in Hoosier can't wait to spend more time outside now that the weather is improving and spring flowers are blossoming. The effects of pandemic fatigue are becoming more apparent, so now is the time to get outside and take advantage of the sunshine. The answer to whether or not it is safe to travel relies on various aspects, such as the activities you want to participate in, the location you wish to visit, and your general state of health. It can strike the ideal mix between enjoyment and safety by organizing socially distanced outings such as hiking, sightseeing, kayaking, and other outdoor experiences.

The Sky Is the Limit.

According to Dr Sandeep Dube, a cardiologist at Community Physician Network, "the majority of cardiac patients — with the exception of those who are short of breath at rest or during modest exercise – should be able to travel to the a high altitude comfortably." Even though most of these trips will consist of sightseeing rather than physical trekking, people should nonetheless contact a physician or cardiologist before going on any kind of vacation like this.

Dr Dube has a wealth of knowledge on the relationship between high altitude and cardiac disease. And also has the cardiologist scaled Mount Kilimanjaro, the second tallest peak in the world, but he has also trained one of his patients, a heart attack survivor, to scale the mountain.

High-altitude locations will typically be at least 8,200 feet above mean sea level. At that altitude, there is less oxygen; therefore, the lungs and heart need to adjust to provide the body with the necessary amount of gas. For this reason, some who suffer from heart disease should often stay away from high elevations.

Nonetheless, if the appropriate training program, standards, and supervision of a physician are followed, it is feasible.

Be Aware of The Dangers to Your Health.

Yet, it is essential to keep in mind the variables that pose a threat to your health. Individuals who have heart disease but want to go on vacation or trekking in a high-altitude location can do so without risking their health. Those with cardiac issues can go to locations of high elevation, as stated in a report published in the journal Travel Medicine &'' Infectious Disease. Our cardiovascular specialists agree.

According to a new report by the American Heart Association, people with high blood pressure or certain heart conditions should exercise caution when travelling to high-altitude locations. The report, which offers recommendations for recreational activities enjoyed in mountainous regions, also warns that exposure to cold temperatures can exacerbate some heart conditions.

According to the statement, those suffering from high blood pressure, coronary artery disease, cardiac rhythm problems, or heart failure should consult a medical expert as soon as possible to prepare for future catastrophes. The consequences can be severe and, in some cases, even deadly, such as abrupt cardiac death, which can occur in the first twenty-four hours after an adjustment to a new altitude.

According to the chair of the panel responsible for producing the statement, Dr William Cornwell III, many people are aware of the symptoms of acute mountain sickness, including headaches, dizziness, nausea, and weakness.

According to the survey, each year, more than one hundred million individuals go to high-altitude, mountainous locations in the United States for either business or pleasure. Many people have risk factors for cardiovascular disease or have already been diagnosed with it, so it is essential to know the potential impact of exertion on the body. This is especially important in mountainous areas, where it can be difficult to find medical centres that would provide advanced cardiac care or to get to those centres. Since their systems have had time to acclimate living with less oxygen, those living at high altitudes face fewer hazards than those living at lower elevations.

Verify With the Cardiovascular Team Whenever There Is Any Question.

People with heart conditions are advised to seek medical advice from a physician knowledgeable about treating altitude sickness, bring additional doses of their regular medications, and descend to a lower altitude if they begin experiencing warning signs, including chest pain or shortness of breath.

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